Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Week 16

I can't believe I've been pregnant for 16 weeks.  In the beginning it felt like time was going so slow and I never thought the 12 week mark would ever come.  Now, the weeks are going by so fast.  I've heard and read that there are some exciting times to look forward to in the next few weeks from feeling the baby kick, to finding out the gender, and painting the nursery.  This has been such a joyous ride and it only seems to be getting better and better!  My 16 week appointment was today, the heartbeat was great  and the little one was very active.  My doctor and I tried to identify the gender, but we had no such luck.  I did get to see it's spine and 5 finger bony hands which was incredible! Baby is getting so big! I can't week for the anatomy scan at 20 weeks. I look forward to all the sneak peak moments!

*Maternity Clothes: I have given in! I found some very cute outfits at Gordmans and online.
*Sleep: Slowly getting better, but waking up throughout the night. 
*Stretch Marks: No sign of them, thank goodness!
*Best Moments of the week: Seeing my little one on the ultrasound and hearing it's heartbeat!
*Miss Anything: Enjoying the lake on a tube, wake board, and the fast boat rides. Now, its just way to bumpy!
*Food Cravings: Strawberries
*Anything making you queasy or sick: Oh,  the heartburn
*Have you started to show yet: Yes, a little. 
*Gender: We should find out at the end of July. 
*Belly Button in or out: in
*Wedding Rings on or off: on
*Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy, but moody when not feeling well. 
*Looking forward to: feeling the baby kick. 
*How's the hubs: He's loving the changes in my body and working hard to put up the fence in our backyard to keep the dogs in, so when my bump grows and baby comes there will be no worries about them wondering off.  He is the best a girl could ask for! Love him! 

Brad & Ashley

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